Severe Learning Difficulties
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How can we assess a child who has Global Developmental Delay?

We would recommend that you use the Phase 2 SEND assessment. Everything you need to do this is here.

This guidance document explains how to run the assessments. In it, you'll find instructions on how to use the picture cards and grapheme cards to understand whether your pupil can recognise the picture, mnemonic or grapheme for each Phase 2 GPC. The assessments work by you saying the sound and getting him to point to the picture or grapheme.

If you have been teaching them blending, then it would also be worth checking that they definitely cannot blend. The blending assessments have accompanying pictures, so you can sound talk the word, or make the word using grapheme cards, and they can point to the matching image from a selection.

You can attend our Getting Started with SEND webinar, if you haven't already. You can book a place through our online CPD calendar.