
How do I assess a non-verbal child?

Assessing words
We have included images for every word for all the assessments. Use these to assess word reading with children whose communication method is not verbal. Ask the child to read each word then point to the image or raise the correct number of fingers to match the image number. The images in each set are in a different order from the words for assessment purposes.
Assessing GPCs
Use the grapheme cards. Set out four graphemes that the child knows including the one you’re assessing. Say the sound. Ask the child to point to the matching grapheme. Mark a tick on the teacher mark sheet if correct. If they need additional support, turn the cards over to the mnemonic/catchphrase side. Say the sound and ask the child to point to the correct grapheme. Mark ‘M’ on the teacher mark sheet if correct.
Assessing oral blending
Use the images, sound-talk the word and ask the child to point to the correct image. Mark ‘PN’ on the teacher mark sheet if correct.